January 11, 2025
P. Adams, Hack Allen, L.D.B., Jimmie Bauer, Isabella Bertram, The Butcher Family, Jacqueline Byrne, Sloane Chalmers, Jean Clark, Robert Deer, Rebecca Dehner, Frank Di Vitto, Shelba F., Fr. Bob Gettinger, James Goggins, Monica Golden, Carole Goldfarb, Donna Heimos, Judy Huske, Bridget Larrabee, Geri Lux, Jennifer Lynch, Peter Mantovani, Joan Marentette, Deb McCarthy, Andrew McCartney, Bill McMahon, Ed Mohrmann, Harold Morgan, Jill Murphy, Lillian Palmquist, John Paquet, Mark Pepple, Declan Petrosky, Debbie Powers, Daisy Riley, Elise Shanks, Craig Standley, Dale Tiemann, Rose Ann Utz, Toni Walhig, Rick Weber and Bonnie Lee Wimmer, Charles Eggert
All women of the parish are invited to participate in a five week book study this spring. We will be reading and discussing Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy by Matthew Kelly. No special experience needed! This is simply an opportunity to meet with women of all ages and backgrounds for fellowship and discussion.
The group will meet in the West Conference Room in the Parish Commons on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11am starting March 6.
Please contact Amy Glarner #314-378-0499/[email protected] with any questions.
If you receive a text, email or phone call from someone claiming to be Fr. Bené or our other clergy, asking 'for a favor' or 'in need of gift cards for an emergency', please know this is a SCAM! Please do not respond or engage. None of our priests, deacons, or staff would ever contact you in that manner. Thank you!
In most cases, the scam is phishing - the scammers do not actually have access to a real account belonging to the priest, but have created another email address and have written his name on it. The real accounts have not been hacked, the priest's identity is simply being impersonated and the scammers are trying to get you to engage with them.
Good news! A local Catholic businessman has made a matching challenge grant of $5000 to Wellston Center’s Food Pantry: now the rest is up to us and our donations. This is a “match made in heaven “as Wellston struggles to meet rising food costs and an increase in the number of needy clients.
You can donate to Wellston Center by mailing your check to Wellston Center, 1705 Kienlen Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63133, or leaving your donation at Lourdes rectory. Or, log onto Wellston Center’s website (wellstoncenter.org ) and click on DONATE.
All women are invited to participate in our Women's Manresa group - a group of women committed to deepening their relationship with Christ in light of the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola and other holy men and women of our Church. Please join us monthly on Friday mornings, 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. in the Parish Commons (conference room) on the following dates: 9/20; 10/18; 11/15; 12/20; 1/17; 2/21; 3/21; 4/18 and 5/16. This year we are studying the following books: Eucharist by Bishop Robert Barron; and Interior Freedom by Father Jacques Philippe. All books are available on Amazon. If you have any questions or would like to join our group, please email either Mary Burke at [email protected] or Jyoti Parwatikar at [email protected]. We would love to have you!
As you may have heard, the Wellston Center has lost a significant source of funding which limits their ability to provide much-needed food and hygiene items to clients. We are hoping to help with donations of some of their most requested items: liquid laundry detergent, canned chicken, and canola oil. We'll be collecting donations in the cloister walk through the month of August. Thanks for your ongoing support of Wellston and the families it serves.
You can designate that your Schnucks Rewards dollars go to help the poor, through the social ministry work of Lourdes, by using the number 314-882-7597 when you check out at Schnucks. The Social Ministry Committee will match every dollar donated.