Please call or email Laura Flanagan at 314.726.6200 or [email protected] to discuss!
Preparation to enter the Catholic Church typically takes place via a process called OCIA, or the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. This process offers instruction in the Catholic faith to those interested in learning more about the Church. Those involved are welcomed into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass.
Whether you are thinking about becoming Catholic, or are Catholic already and looking for a "faith refresher," OCIA can help anyone who desires a deeper understanding of what we believe and practice as Catholics. The OCIA process is a journey that will help you come to understand what Jesus has in mind for you within the context of the Catholic Faith.
We invite everyone to come and learn about the process, bring questions, and determine if you would like to continue on your faith journey through the OCIA process. You may also begin by filling out the inquirer form below. Filling out the form or coming to an OCIA session does not commit you to becoming Catholic - the first stage of the process is called "inquiry" for a reason.
If you have some major conflict with the usual group meeting time, don't let that stop you; formation can happen in other ways.
We'd love to have you join us!