Baptism for infants and young children:
Baptisms are by appointment and usually take place following the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. An honorarium is normally given to the priest or deacon who celebrates the baptism.
Parents need to attend a Baptism preparation class before the baptism of their child. These are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Commons West. (March 2025 class date will be March 12, not March 5, due to Ash Wednesday.) Required attendance of the class is needed only once. Please email Laura at [email protected] to register for the class.
To make the arrangements for the baptism itself, start with the form below or call the parish office! (314.726.6200)
Google Form to request an infant baptism date Godparent Form required by Archdiocese
Baptism for older children and adults:
Pursued via the RCIA process. Learn more here!
Eucharist to the homebound:
For parishioners who are unable to attend Mass but wish to receive Communion, the Christian Service Ministry has a wonderful group of volunteers who would be honored to bring the Blessed Sacrament to your home. Please contact the rectory at 314.726.6200 or email the pastor if you or your family member would like a home visit from a Eucharistic Minister. Whether it is a long term situation or temporary, we would like to serve you.
First Communion for children:
For children in second grade, First Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. For children not in OLOL school, an agreement has been established with St. Joseph's Church in Clayton who offers a PSR program. You may contact St. Joseph's directly to inquire about their program or contact our rectory. Click here to visit St. Joseph's Parish website.
First Communion prep for adults:
Often pursued via the RCIA process. Contact the pastor by email or phone to sort out what process makes the most sense for your situation.
Confirmation for 8th grade youth:
Young people usually receive Confirmation in the eighth grade. Students in OLOL school are prepared as a part of their religion studies. Those in other schools attend weekly classes prior to the sacrament. Students in the eighth grade at schools other than Our Lady of Lourdes who wish to be confirmed are asked to please register by calling the rectory at 314.726.6200 or emailing Laura Flanagan at [email protected]. More information can be found below:
Youth Confirmation
Confirmation for adults:
Often pursued via the OCIA process. Contact the pastor by email or phone to sort out what process makes the most sense for your situation.
Receive forgiveness! Confessions are heard in the reconciliation room in church (see picture - it's the door with the pink, green and yellow frosted glass and the Holy Spirit dove).
If the times below will not work with your schedule, make an appointment with the priests of the parish (contact information here).
Parishioners and their families can call the rectory at 314-726-6200 or email the pastor to request this sacrament. Reception of this sacrament does not require immediate danger of death. Group or communal anointings, which are periodically scheduled, are announced in the bulletin.
Funerals or Memorial Masses can be arranged through the funeral home of your choice or by calling the rectory directly at 314.726.6200.
Both parishioners and non-parishioners can get married at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Members of the parish desiring to be married elsewhere are encouraged to obtain preliminary information about the location and the priest who will officiate. Our parish priest can assist in preparing the couple and completing the paperwork.
If you are considering the priesthood, you are always welcome to talk about that call with the priests at Lourdes.
The Office of Vocations at the Archdiocese of St. Louis holds events and retreats for both men and women considering a consecrated life. The contact for the office of vocations is 314-792-6462 or [email protected]. The director is Fr. Brian Fallon.
The Office of Vocations also offers information on how the laity can support the priesthood, and in particular a message to parents whose sons may be listening for a call to the priesthood.
The Office of the Diaconate for the Archdiocese offers information about the role of the permanent deacon in the life of the Church, as well as information about applying to enter formation for the diaconate.